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Weddings   &  Partnerships

At Celebrant in Style we will help you to create the Wedding Ceremony you've always dreamed of.

We will step inside your vision of your special day and bring it to life. Whether it's in a beautiful Hotel, beside the calming sea or simply in your beloved family home. 

The vows you make to each other are the most important part of your wedding day and can often be overlooked. We want you both to be prepared and confident in the promises you make. This could mean exploring and understanding the traditional wedding vows OR writing your own to express your love for each other on your big day.

If you prefer, we can help you write promises that you can commit to in the presence of family and friends. You may already have children and want them to be included in the vows and commitments you make to each other. Having children ourselves we understand that you want to make the day exciting and special for them too.

As well as your vows and readings by friends and family, there are lots of other components you can include to make your day unforgettable. Ceremonies can include handfasting, sand, candles, goblets and even jumping the broom!

These can incorporate your loved ones to share in your wonderful union.

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